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Grow and Learn

Break Free from Mental Struggles. Find Support, Solutions, and Transformational Guidance for Personal Growth. Join a Community of Empowered Individuals Taking Control of Their Lives. Start Your Path to Healing Today!

Take yourself on the Journey of Personal Transformation

Paperback, Hardback & E-book

This captivating 12-week course merges personal narratives, scientific insight, and spiritual wisdom into daily practices that are personally empowering. Explore these pivotal waypoints:

Week 1-2: Lay the foundation and untangle depression's complexities.

Week 3-4: Master mindfulness, gratitude, and mental health.

Week 5-6: Cultivate resilience, weed self-criticism, and embrace forgiveness.

Week 7-8: Reclaim your story, define your purpose, and forge accountability.

Week 9-10: Enhance resilience, discover values, and empower yourself.

Week 11-12: Shape your mission, harvest growth, and transform.

Step into this journey and shape the empowered life you deserve by digging into challenging topics with the author. Sometimes it takes a bulldozer and a warm cup of tea to get to all of that “stuff” we didn’t know that we didn’t know. Your transformation starts now.

Click the image to order the Hardcover!

Book Cover


Good morning Danielle, I started your book this morning. After meditation, I began reading and read through the introduction. There was no warning that I could find " this book, even the introduction may bring one to tears. I think it may have been understanding your story. I too am grateful for the Brene Brown course. And reviewed my part again after a couple of years. Also finding we speak the same language now is a POW-WOW. I will be eagerly anxious to read a chapter every morning, early, when even the dogs are sleeping. Beautiful introduction, I am really excited about reading your book and breaking it down during class. I left a few tears on a few pages, I had no idea Sprit would be affirming your words on the page. I will say now, your book is an enjoyable read and the only kind I would enjoy. Congratulations, I never read an introduction that brought tears from understanding. Only the introduction is a great send-off to the rest of the story. Love it.

-Raymond Bell

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Snowflake AZ. 85937

928-457-6844 (Text Only Please)

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